Adoptive Parents in Waiting

I have a new admiration and respect for adoptive parents in waiting. Rubbing shoulders with a dozen or more couples at Hope’s Promise Core Training we had the opportunity to hear each other’s stories, and explore expectations, and dreams. With many common threads among them, a few things stood out boldly.

  • They are called – each couple had a strong and distinct reason that they were there. Sometimes that calling started from a place of loss that then moved towards conviction. Each has a deep faith rooted in God’s greater plan, and regardless of where they started their journey, their faith nudged them forward with a clear hope for the future.
  • They are brave – one woman shared that she was nervous about the future and wasn’t quite comfortable with an open adoption, but was willing to embrace the journey in spite of her fear. None of them know how their story will unfold, but they are still willing to trust that their efforts will get them where they want to be.
  • They are tough – The journey may be long, expensive, emotionally taxing and frustrating. And while the adoption journey will ultimately end with a beautiful family picture album, it didn’t start picture perfect, and there are a lot of bruises along the way. One couple shared that they have had friends and family making comments or asking questions that are often painful, but they are willing to gently educate and love them through their adoption process.
  • They are enduring – Just like a wedding to marriage, the adoption process is only the beginning step to a family. And while the process is challenging, each couple knows that the waiting part of an adoption journey is the prelude to a lifetime with a beloved child. This process is not easy! But what birth is easy? Bringing a life into this world through a biological birth or an adoption process is not painless, but it is necessary! As with any significant life goal, doing the work to get there is part of each of our stories.

Thank you to the amazing Hope’s Promise adoption team for being willing to love, support, educate and prepare adoptive parents not only for the waiting but parenting for a lifetime.

Diane Elliot
Hope’s Promise Development Specialist


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