Post Adoption Contact Agreement (PACA): What is it and how will it affect me?
The state of Colorado recently passed a law that there is a legally enforceable PACA. A PACA is a Post Adoption Contact Agreement.
This article, from our friends at American Adoptions, outlines the benefits of a PACA. When you choose adoption, whether as a birth parent or as an adoptive parent, you can choose what kind of post-adoption contact you have with the other members of the adoption triad.
How to be a Therapeutic Parent
As adoptive, foster, or even biological parents, we all tend to wonder how we could be doing better.
Adult Adoptee Access to Adoption and Birth Records: History, Controversy, Legislation, and Societal Change
Written by our friends at the National Council For Adoption
At Hope’s Promise, we are for ALL children and families. That includes adoptees. Because our adoption program has been in existence since 1990, we have a lot of adoptees who are now adults. It is our priority through ethical practices and compassion to walk alongside these adoptees, no matter their age, to provide them with education and counseling when needed.
This blog, by our friends at the National Council For Adoption, addresses the adult adoptees access to adoption and birth records. Access to adoption and birth records for adopted individuals sits at the intersection of ethics, privacy, confidentiality, and adoptee rights. Carefully navigating these delicate topics requires an understanding of the history of adoptee records access, the legal statutes and legislative actions that have shaped it, and the impact of DNA technologies. In this month’s issue of the Adoption Advocate, author and adult adoptee Abigail Lindner, breaks it all down and offers some suggested changes and considerations for the future.
Living Water
Jack and Miranda traveled to Vietnam with a Hope’s Promise Connection Team in 2019. In a recent Vietnam Virtual Experience, they shared about a particularly moving visit with the biological family of N’goanh. After losing both his parents, N’goanh came home to a Hope’s Promise non-relative based care family in 2013. The team visited his biological aunt, grandma, and other relatives.
A Reason (or seven) to Give
First, it was a worldwide pandemic. Now there is an epidemic affecting non-profit organizations and churches alike. Recent statistics suggest in Colorado alone giving in 2021 is down more than 86% from 2020 and down 80 % from 2019. Those numbers are staggering. We’ve all seen the effects of the pandemic in our finances or that of our family members, employers, and/ or local businesses. That is why giving to Hope’s Promise or another one of your favorite non-profits in 2021 is so crucial.
In this article, published by Denver7, they outline seven reasons to give on Tuesday, December 7th, Colorado Gives Day.
Here are the highlights:
- Colorado nonprofits are vital
- $1.6 million boost
- Something for everyone
- Fast and convenient
- Teach children about philanthropy
- Give with confidence
- Giving increases happiness
Read the full article here:
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