Hope’s Promise 2017 Year-End Appeal
One little boy, Mark, was abandoned on the streets of the Huruma slum in Kenya at only three years old. He was left with nothing: no home, no food, no hope, and no future. Another young boy centuries before was on a hillside surrounded by a massive crowd of hungry people.
Adoptive Parents in Waiting
I have a new admiration and respect for adoptive parents in waiting. Rubbing shoulders with a dozen or more couples at Hope’s Promise Core Training we had the opportunity to hear each other’s stories, and explore expectations, and dreams.
2017 Kenya Connection Trip
This past summer Hope’s Promise was excited to host a Connection Team to Kenya. Taking 27 people on the nearly 9,000-mile journey was just the beginning.
World Gone Crazy?
The last two months have been crazy. We experienced a dramatic lunar eclipse seen across the United States. It was the first time in recorded history that we had three hurricanes in the Atlantic basin at the same time and all three made landfall. (Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria devastated the Caribbean, southern Texas and south Florida.)
The Importance of Obtaining Certificates of Citizenship
Nobody enjoys filing paperwork or paying filing fees, and for families that have completed an international adoption, they often think they have had more than enough of both.