Midpoint of the Adoptive Parenting Feedback Loop
You know the saying “hindsight is 20/20”. We’ve all heard it before, but this exercise for adoptive parents, takes the saying to a whole different level. Writer, author, and adoptive parent, Lori Holden, revisits a letter she wrote to her adoptive children answering the following questions:
Imagine your child as an adult describing their open adoption experience. What do you hope they will be able to say about you? How did you view their other parents? In what ways did you support their relationship with them?
Read more to learn how this practice can help all adoptive parents outline what their adoption goal are and then see how well they are aligned in years to come. In writing the letter, parents not only practice seeing through their children’s eyes, but they also clarify what they want of their own parenting in the long run.
Read more here: Cringey! Midpoint of the Adoptive Parenting Feedback Loop
Being a Birth Mom and Dealing with Grief
I don’t know how to respond to my grief… I don’t know how to let the tears out when I feel
Becoming Omma
When he was placed on my chest tears dropped from my eyes. His fingers were long, his black hair was thick, his lips …
On Handling Adoptive Parent Guilt
It was only three weeks from the time we learned we’d been chosen by an expectant mother to the time our son entered the world. When we received the call that our son had arrived, we drove an hour to finally meet the little boy that would make us parents.
God Knew All Along
I have been inspired by many in this world: Mother Theresa. Nelson Mandela. Harriet Tubman. Oskar Schindler. Their acts of love and courage were recognized and applauded across the globe. Yet there is a hero of mine whose name is neither printed in any publication or shared on news media. She has become one of my greatest inspirations. She is my son’s birth mom.
Five Colorado Adoption Fictions…and Facts
When you decide to adopt a child, you may have many questions. There are lots of answers out there in the cyber-world and we have found that various information and sites are inaccurate or simply out of date.